Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real? Here's The Truth

January 11, 2024
Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real

Let's talk diamonds, but not just any diamonds – lab-grown ones. You've probably heard a lot about them and might be wondering, "Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real?" It's a question that gets tossed around a lot these days, especially with more and more people looking for sustainable and ethical options in their jewelry. So, let’s get down to business and explore the reality behind these modern marvels.

What Exactly Are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Think of lab-grown diamonds as the tech-savvy, environmentally friendly cousins of traditional diamonds. They're born from a mix of science and nature's magic, created in labs with advanced technology that replicates the Earth's diamond-forming conditions. But here's the catch – they're made above the ground, not deep in the Earth.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds, also known as synthetic diamonds, man-made, or cultured diamonds, are indeed real diamonds. They possess the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds. The primary distinction between the two lies in their origin.

Why Lab Grown Diamonds Are Absolutely Real Diamonds

Alright, let's clear the air about one thing: lab-grown diamonds are the real deal. But why? Let's break it down.

1. Identical Composition and Structure

Just like their earth-mined twins, lab-grown diamonds are pure carbon, through and through. Whether crafted in the earth or a lab, these sparklers are carbon clones of each other. Thanks to super cool tech like High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), lab diamonds mimic the natural diamond-making process to a T. So, they're not just "like" real diamonds; they are real diamonds​.

2. Twins in Sparkle and Strength:

If you're wondering whether lab-grown diamonds can hold up to the sparkle and durability of natural ones, the answer is a resounding yes. They're just as hard, just as shiny, and just as breathtaking. In fact, telling them apart from natural diamonds? That's a job for the pros with their fancy gadgets because to our eyes, they're identical twins​.

3. Ethical and Sustainable Choice

Here's where lab-grown diamonds really shine (pun intended). They skip the heavy environmental toll of traditional mining and dodge those ethical dilemmas. Choosing a lab-grown diamond means you're not just getting a real diamond; you're also making a kind, green choice​.

4. Gemologist-Approved: 

Reputable gemological institutes like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) recognize and grade lab-grown diamonds using the same criteria applied to natural diamonds. These diamonds come with certifications that detail their quality based on the 4Cs (Color, Clarity, Cut, and Carat weight), further cementing their status as genuine diamonds​.

So, there you have it - lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds in every aspect that counts – composition, appearance, quality, and gemological evaluation. They're not just keeping up with their natural counterparts; in many ways, they're setting new standards in the diamond world.

Also read - Do Lab Grown Diamonds Pass a Diamond Tester?

The Truth Behind the Sparkle:

Now, to the big question: Are these sparkly lab creations actually real diamonds? The short answer is yes! Lab-grown diamonds are not some second-rate imitations; they're the real deal. They have the same chemical makeup and physical properties as natural diamonds. The only difference? Their birthplace. And let's be honest, even the most seasoned jewelry pros need special tools to tell them apart from mined diamonds.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real? Explained

A Historical Perspective

Interestingly, the journey of synthesizing diamonds isn’t new. The first successful synthesis was achieved in the 1950s. Initially, lab-grown diamonds were primarily used for industrial applications due to their hardness, such as in cutting and drilling tools. Over time, advancements in technology have enabled the production of larger, gem-quality synthetic diamonds that have paved their way into the jewelry market.

How Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Made

So, let's talk about how these lab-grown diamonds come into existence. There are two main methods involved: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD).

HPHT, which stands for High Pressure/High Temperature, mimics the way diamonds naturally form deep within the Earth. It involves subjecting carbon to high temperatures and squeezing it together. It's a bit energy-intensive but gets the job done.

CVD, or Chemical Vapor Deposition, is a tad less intimidating than it sounds. It starts with a mix of hydrogen and methane gas in a chamber with a seed crystal. Then, some microwave magic happens, heating the chamber and exciting the gas. Voilà, a diamond starts growing on the seed crystal. This method has become more popular recently because it's cost-effective and can produce higher-quality diamonds​.

Changing Perceptions: Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. "Cheap" Notions

Okay, let's tackle this notion of lab-grown diamonds being considered "cheap." It's true that not too long ago, many folks saw them as less prestigious. But here's the scoop: attitudes are shifting faster than you can say "bling."

Recent studies show that about two-thirds of folks aged 21-40 shopping for engagement rings are open to the idea of lab-grown diamonds. Why the change of heart? Well, it's partly due to the sticker shock from natural diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds typically cost 30-40% less than their mined counterparts, without sacrificing any sparkle. So, they're becoming a practical and guilt-free alternative for many​.

Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Fake Diamonds: No Comparison

Now, let's clear up another misconception: lab-grown diamonds are light years away from being fake diamonds. Historically, fake diamonds often meant glass, which can't hold a candle to the durability and sparkle of a well-cut diamond. There are other diamond imitations like synthetic cubic zirconia and natural zircon or topaz, but they tend to chip with wear.

Lab-created diamonds? They don't have any of those issues. They're just as durable and sparkly as any natural diamond. In fact, only a true expert could spot the difference! So, no need to worry about settling for a "fake"​.

Value and Investment

Are lab-grown diamonds worth anything? Well, let's talk value. Lab-grown diamonds are generally less valuable than natural diamonds, but here's the kicker: diamonds, in general, aren't great investments.

The truth is, the moment you buy a diamond, its value takes a dip. Mined diamonds might regain some value over time, but selling one and breaking even in your lifetime? That's unlikely, unless you own a world-famous diamond with a jaw-dropping history.

So, whether it's lab-grown or mined, diamonds aren't your ticket to wealth. When shopping for an engagement ring stone, ask yourself: Would you prefer a mined diamond or some extra cash for that honeymoon?​.

Environmental and Ethical Considerations

Now, let's talk about ethics and the environment. Ethical diamond mining is a hot topic, and choosing a lab-made diamond is one way to steer clear of unethically sourced diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds never fall into the "blood diamond" category, and they have a smaller environmental footprint compared to mined diamonds.

So, if you're eco-conscious or concerned about ethical diamonds, lab-grown is a sustainable choice. But hey, there are also ways to find ethically mined diamonds, like those from Canada, Botswana, or Australia, which prioritize transparency. You can even opt for "recycled" or secondhand diamonds. The choice is yours​.

Quality and Affordability: A Win-Win Situation

Another point worth discussing is the quality and affordability of lab-grown diamonds. They often come with a friendlier price tag compared to natural diamonds, but don't let the cost fool you – these gems don't compromise on quality. With the same brilliance, clarity, and range of colors and cuts as mined diamonds, lab-grown diamonds offer exceptional value.

This affordability allows more people to own a high-quality diamond, democratizing luxury in a way that was previously unimaginable.

Heirloom Value

But what about leaving lab-grown diamonds as heirlooms? Don't fret; they're a great option. Your loved ones will cherish your jewelry because it was yours, and where the stone came from will be the last thing on their minds. Whether it's lab-grown or mined, your diamond will last long enough for your heirs to enjoy it for generations to come​.

The Rainbow of Possibilities

One fascinating aspect is the ability to create colored diamonds in labs with more control and predictability. Natural colored diamonds, such as blue, pink, and yellow, are extremely rare and consequently expensive. Through careful control of the creation process, scientists can introduce different elements (such as boron or nitrogen) or manipulate growth conditions to produce beautifully colored lab-grown diamonds at a fraction of the price.


Yes, lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds with attributes nearly identical to those of mined diamonds. The consideration of choosing between them often boils down to personal preference, ethical considerations, and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are lab-grown diamonds certified and graded similarly to mined diamonds?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds can be certified and graded similarly to mined diamonds. Renowned gemological laboratories, like the GIA and IGI, grade lab-grown diamonds based on the 4Cs (Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat weight) and provide certification.

Why might consumers choose lab-grown diamonds over natural diamonds?

Consumers may prefer lab-grown diamonds for several reasons: they are often more affordable, can be produced with fewer imperfections, and are considered more ethical and environmentally friendly due to the absence of mining.

Read Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds for more details.

Are lab-grown diamonds eco-friendly?

While lab-growing diamonds involve energy use, they are generally considered more environmentally friendly than mined diamonds due to the lack of ecological disruption, absence of large-scale mining operations, and associated lower carbon emissions.

Can lab-grown diamonds be insured in the same way as natural diamonds?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds can be insured in the same way as natural diamonds. They can be assessed for their value and included in jewelry insurance policies, similar to their mined counterparts.

About The Author

Author's Name

Emma Rae

Emma Rae, a distinguished Canadian jewelry writer, boasts over five years of expertise in the industry. Known for her deep understanding of jewelry design and trends, she's a credible and authoritative voice. Her insightful writing, featured in top jewelry magazines and online platforms, showcases her passion and respect for craftsmanship. Emma engaging and knowledgeable articles have earned her recognition and trust in the jewelry fashion world.



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