Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

May 11, 2023
Lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds

When it comes to choosing a diamond, there's a lot to consider. But what if I told you that the diamond you choose could have an impact beyond just your engagement ring? The debate between lab grown vs natural diamonds is one that's been raging on for years, and it's not just about the price tag. Are you someone who wants to propose with an ethical and eco-friendly diamond? Or are you someone who values the traditional beauty and rarity of a natural diamond? Maybe you're somewhere in between, unsure of which option to choose. Whatever your stance may be, the choice between lab grown diamonds vs real is one that carries weight and significance. It's not just a matter of preference, but a reflection of your values and beliefs. So, which one will you choose?

Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

Here's a comparison table showcasing the differences between Lab-Grown Diamonds and Natural Diamonds:

Feature Lab-Grown Diamonds Natural Diamonds
Origin Grown in a controlled lab environment using advanced technology Mined from the Earth's crust
Composition Pure carbon Pure carbon
Brilliance Exceptionally high Exceptionally high
Fire (Dispersion) High High
Color Available in various colors, including colorless Can exhibit a range of colors, including colorless, and fancy colored diamonds
Clarity Can have varying levels of clarity, typically eye-clean May have inclusions or flaws
Hardness 10 (Mohs scale) 10 (Mohs scale)
Price Generally more affordable than natural diamonds Natural diamonds can be more expensive
Ethical & Environmental Considerations Ethically and environmentally friendly, conflict-free Ethical sourcing initiatives in place, some concerns related to mining
Grading & Certification Graded by gemological institutes using the same criteria as natural diamonds Graded using the same criteria as lab-grown diamonds or by specific organizations for natural diamonds
Market Availability Increasingly available in the market More widely available due to long history of mining
Popularity Gaining popularity for ethical and eco-conscious reasons Traditionally sought after for their rarity and status
Uniqueness Each lab-grown diamond is unique, but may lack the geological history of natural diamonds Natural diamonds have unique characteristics shaped by their geological formation

Understanding the Differences and Making an Informed Choice

Diamonds have been one of the most popular choices for engagement rings and other jewelry pieces for centuries. However, with the advent of technology, lab-grown diamonds have become an increasingly popular choice among consumers. While natural diamonds are formed naturally over thousands of years deep within the earth, lab-grown diamonds are created in a laboratory environment using advanced technology. We'll explore the differences between lab grown diamonds vs natural diamonds, and help you make an informed choice when it comes to purchasing your next diamond.

Introduction to Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds are created in a controlled laboratory environment that replicates the conditions necessary for a diamond to form naturally. The process involves placing a small diamond seed in a chamber filled with carbon-rich gases, and then subjecting it to high pressure and high temperature. Over time, the diamond seed grows into a larger diamond, which is then cut and polished into the desired shape and size.

One of the key advantages of lab-grown diamonds is their eco-friendliness. Unlike natural diamonds, which require mining and extraction from deep within the earth, lab-grown diamonds are created using minimal energy and do not cause any harm to the environment.

Understanding Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds are formed over millions of years deep within the earth's mantle. They are created under immense pressure and high temperatures, which results in their unique and stunning characteristics. Natural diamonds are mined from diamond-rich areas, and then sorted, cut and polished to create the desired diamond shape and size.

One of the main challenges with natural diamonds is the ethical concerns surrounding the diamond mining industry. Many natural diamond mines are located in conflict zones, where the mining of diamonds is often associated with human rights abuses, environmental damage and corruption.

Difference Between Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural

When it comes to comparing lab grown diamonds vs real, there are several key differences to consider.

Creation Process:

Lab-grown diamonds are synthesized in a controlled environment, replicating the natural conditions under which diamonds are formed deep within the Earth. High-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) are the two primary methods used to grow these diamonds. Natural diamonds, on the other hand, are formed through billions of years of geological processes involving extreme heat and pressure deep within the Earth's mantle.

Quality Factors:

Both lab-grown and natural diamonds possess the same physical and optical properties, such as hardness, brilliance, and fire. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) grades lab-grown diamonds using the same standards as natural diamonds, including the 4Cs (carat weight, color, clarity, and cut). This ensures that lab-grown diamonds can be evaluated and compared based on the same criteria as their natural counterparts.

Environmental Impact:

One of the key advantages of lab grown diamonds is their significantly lower environmental impact compared to natural diamonds. Mining for natural diamonds often involves large-scale excavation, habitat destruction, and the consumption of fossil fuels. In contrast, lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled laboratory setting, using a fraction of the energy and water required for mining. They are a more sustainable choice for environmentally conscious consumers.


Historically, natural diamonds have commanded higher prices due to their limited supply and the associated costs of mining and distribution. However, lab-grown diamonds offer an attractive alternative at a lower price point. On average, lab diamonds can be 30-40% more affordable than natural diamonds of comparable quality. This affordability makes lab diamonds more accessible to a wider range of consumers. Read more about lab diamond pricing.

Rarity and Availability:

Natural diamonds are formed over millions of years and are considered rare due to the limited supply. Lab-grown diamonds, however, can be produced in a relatively shorter time frame, making them more readily available in the market. This increased availability can offer consumers more options in terms of size, shape, and color.

Ethical Considerations:

One of the significant concerns surrounding natural diamonds is the issue of conflict diamonds, also known as blood diamonds. These diamonds are mined in war zones and used to finance armed conflicts, often resulting in human rights abuses. Lab-grown diamonds provide a conflict-free alternative, ensuring that consumers can make a socially responsible choice.

Durability and Longevity:

Lab-grown diamonds possess the same durability and longevity as natural diamonds. They are resistant to scratching and can withstand everyday wear and tear. This ensures that lab diamonds can be passed down through generations, just like their natural counterparts.

Investment Value:

Natural diamonds have traditionally been considered a symbol of wealth and a store of value. While lab diamonds offer similar beauty, they may not hold the same long-term investment value as natural diamonds. The rarity and enduring demand for natural diamonds contribute to their potential for appreciation over time.

Physical and Chemical Properties:

Lab-grown diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds. They possess the same hardness, brilliance, and durability. In fact, even experts require specialized equipment to differentiate between lab-grown and natural diamonds accurately. Both types of diamonds are graded based on the 4Cs: carat weight, color, clarity, and cut.

Consumer Perception and Acceptance:

The acceptance of lab diamonds in the jewelry industry and among consumers is steadily growing. As awareness about the benefits of lab-grown diamonds increases, more people are embracing them as a desirable and responsible choice. This shift in perception is influencing the market and encouraging jewelers to offer lab-grown diamond options.

Making an Informed Choice

When it comes to choosing between lab-grown and natural diamonds, there are several factors to consider. If you are on a budget and looking for an affordable diamond, lab-grown diamonds are a great choice. If you are concerned about the ethical implications of the diamond mining industry, then lab-grown diamonds are a more responsible choice.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a unique and rare diamond with a long history of tradition and mystique, then a natural diamond may be the way to go. It's important to consider your priorities and budget when making a decision, and to consult with a reputable jeweler who can guide you through the process and help you find the perfect diamond for your needs.

Contact LL Private Jewellers for making an informed choice.

How LL Private Jewellers can help you?

LL Private Jewellers is a custom jewelry store that offers a wide range of options for both lab-grown and natural diamonds. With years of experience in the industry, our team is well-versed in the differences between these two types of diamonds and can help you make an informed decision based on your personal preferences and needs.

If you're leaning towards a lab-grown diamond, we can guide you through the process of selecting the best stone for your needs. We offer IGI/GCAL certified diamonds that come with a complete grading report, giving customers peace of mind and confidence in their purchase. We can create a custom setting for your lab-grown diamond that is just as stunning as one made for a natural diamond.

Whether you choose a lab-grown diamond or a natural diamond, LL Private Jewellers can help you find the perfect diamond for your jewelry piece, offering high-quality diamonds at a competitive price and provide personalized service to ensure that each customer is satisfied with our purchase. With our extensive experience and expertise in the industry, you can trust us to help you make an informed decision about your diamond purchase.

Contact us today for you custom jewelry design!

Lab Diamond vs. Natural Diamond Most Asked Questions

Are lab grown diamonds better than natural?

"Better" is subjective, and the choice between lab grown diamonds vs real diamonds depends on individual preferences and needs. Lab-grown diamonds offer advantages like ethical sourcing and affordability. They are also virtually identical in appearance and quality to natural diamonds. On the other hand, some may prefer the uniqueness and traditional value of natural diamonds. Ultimately, the decision depends on factors like budget, environmental concerns, and personal sentiments towards natural diamonds.

Are lab grown diamonds real diamonds?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds, possessing the same physical and chemical properties as natural ones. Although created in a laboratory setting, they exhibit the same brilliance, hardness, and beauty as mined diamonds, making them indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Read Lab Grown Diamond Facts by International Gemological Institute

Are lab created diamonds worth anything?

Yes, lab-created diamonds do hold value. Their worth is typically lower than that of natural diamonds due to factors like production costs and market demand. However, they retain significant value as they are beautiful, durable, and visually identical to mined diamonds.

Are lab grown diamonds good?

Absolutely! Lab-grown diamonds offer an excellent alternative to natural diamonds. They possess the same brilliance, sparkle, and durability while being more ethically and sustainably produced. Additionally, their generally lower price point allows for more budget-friendly options without compromising on quality.

How are lab grown diamonds made?

Lab-grown diamonds are created through advanced scientific methods. The High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) process involves placing a diamond seed in a carbon-rich environment and subjecting it to extreme pressure and temperature, causing the carbon atoms to crystallize around the seed and grow into a larger diamond. In the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method, a diamond seed is placed in a low-pressure chamber filled with a carbon-rich gas, and energy is introduced to break down the gas and deposit carbon atoms onto the seed, forming a diamond layer by layer.

Do lab grown diamonds get certified?

Yes, reputable organizations like GIA (Gemological Institute of America) and IGI (International Gemological Institute) can certify lab-grown diamonds.. These certifications provide detailed information about the diamond's quality and verify that it is indeed lab-grown, ensuring transparency and authenticity for consumers.

Are lab grown diamonds a good investment?

Lab-grown diamonds can be a promising investment option. Their more affordable pricing allows investors to acquire larger or higher-quality stones, potentially increasing their value over time. Additionally, the rising demand for ethically produced diamonds may contribute to the appreciation of lab-grown diamond prices in the market.

Lab grown diamonds price vs natural?

Lab-grown diamonds are generally priced 30% to 70% lower than natural diamonds of similar quality. The lower cost is due to the difference in production methods, with lab-grown diamonds requiring less extensive mining operations, making them a more cost-effective option.

Can a jeweler tell the difference between lab grown diamonds?

In many cases, jewelers may not be able to visually distinguish between lab grown vs natural diamonds without specialized equipment. Lab-grown diamonds have the same physical and optical properties as mined diamonds, making them visually identical. However, experienced jewelers and gemologists can use advanced testing methods, such as spectroscopy, to differentiate between the two types based on their growth patterns and chemical composition.

Reputable jewelers often use gemological laboratories like GIA and IGI for certifications that verify the diamond's origin. These certifications provide assurance to customers about the authenticity and quality of the diamond, regardless of whether it is lab-grown or natural. Therefore, while visual identification may be challenging, expert jewelers have access to tools and certifications to accurately determine a diamond's origin.

What is the difference between natural and lab grown diamonds?

The primary difference between lab grown vs natural diamonds is in their source and how they are formed. Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth crust over billions of years, while lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled laboratory environments using advanced technology. However, both types have the same physical and chemical properties, with lab-grown diamonds offering the added benefits of being more ethical, sustainable, and budget-friendly.

For more information about gemstones, please feel free to contact us!

About The Author

Author's Name

Emma Rae

Emma Rae, a distinguished Canadian jewelry writer, boasts over five years of expertise in the industry. Known for her deep understanding of jewelry design and trends, she's a credible and authoritative voice. Her insightful writing, featured in top jewelry magazines and online platforms, showcases her passion and respect for craftsmanship. Emma engaging and knowledgeable articles have earned her recognition and trust in the jewelry fashion world.



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